

In Progress
Currently outlining a feature length outdoor late-bloomer coming of age comedy in the realm of the Farrelly Brothers. Lots of opportunity for visual gags, situations, and action pieces. Distinct characters.

In Progress
Currently outlining a feature length comedy fish-out-of-water tale that takes place at a Buddhist Monastary.

Feature length horror/sci-fi/thriller set in a rural town deals with parallel worlds. I've designed some unique action sequences never before seen that fully realize the high concepts of the story.

Teen comedy heist film set in the 90s. 

Completed & Produced
Shot ultra low-budget feature on 16mm film. I DPed large portions and directed some action sequences. Sci-fi time travel thriller.


I've got too many to list! But I have produced many fictional shorts (and commercial specs, and promo type videos), some of which you can see on my Film page. I also have a bunch that have not been made... yet. 


A coming of age drama dealing with death, guilt, and finding purpose. I co-produced this and directed this with a cast of 16 actors ages 8-18. You can read more about that experience here.

Back Burner
A one-location and near-real-time dramedy with multiple interacting story lines.

Back Burner
A Rock Opera I'll never get the music rights to.


In Progress
Top secret comedy book with illustrations!